Five ways you WILL be using NFTS

Five ways you WILL be using NFTs
NFTsConcept:Non-fungible - cannot be put together or split apart: Cash v GoldToken - Transactional itemsWhat you’re buying is a one of a kind coin - unique d...

Show Notes:


  • Non-fungible - cannot be put together or split apart
  • Cash v Gold
  • Token - Transactional items
  • What you’re buying is a one of a kind coin - unique digital asset

Value Proposition over current framework:

  • Tracing ownership more secure
  • In long run, decentralised marketplaces drive down cost
  • Start-up
  • Operating
  • Artistic standpoint
  • Create animated art
  • Democratised distribution
  • Ownership
  • Greater accessibility
  • Trading
  • Creation - distribution
  • Ownership - lower barrier to entry



  • Collateral in DeFi


  • Bridging in-game economies to the broader economy
  • Could potentially bridge 2 separate game economies
  • Tom Clancy
  • Securitisation of gaming skins, collectibles and other desired assets
  • Broadens creator experience
  • We can create skins, emotes and artefacts for a gaming ecosystem
  • Examples
  • Axie Infinity
  • Sandbox


  • Social tokens
  • Membership
  • Reward system
  • Easily transfer ownership of social tokens within communities
  • Bored Ape Yacht Club


  • Creators with small audiences
  • Social investing
  • Selling membership
  • De-couples value from overly commoditised metrics in the creator sphere
  • Lee Jin - 100 True Fans
  • Model
  • Free audience
  • Convert to Patreons and Donors
  • Convert to loyal subscribers
  • Why pay?
  • Key - your not selling content, your content is selling your mission
  • More in tune with audiences needs
  • High price = high value add and expectance


  • Create animated art
  • Rarible
  • OpenSea
  • Democratised distribution
  • Ownership
  • Greater accessibility to:
  • Trading
  • Creation - distribution
  • Ownership - lower barrier to entry