About The Weatherman

About The Weatherman

The Weatherman, AKA Oscar Wehbe (that would be me), is a keen observer of the innovations that are appearing throughout the world. Not only will these creations make life easier for us humans, but, it is my belief that these creations will fundamentally shift the way we socialise, work and approach the journey we call 'life'.

So why 'The Weatherman'? Primarily, I (and those I interact with) will be making some pretty bold predictions about what the future looks like. While I will make these assertions with a certain arrogant panache (case in point) that these ideas are near certainty, the name that I have chosen, I trust will ensure you will be under no illusions of the fact that these are highly speculative and untested ideas. A preemptive disclaimer if you will. In saying this, I do believe the words that come out of my mouth (and the ones you will read on many subsequent articles), so you can rest assured in the credibility of a 20-something year-old that you probably have barely heard of.

This leads me to the whole 'why am I doing this?' part of this page. One, I think it is a real privilege to be in times of such upheaval and change, and anyone who is able to assist in shining lights on the upcoming opportunities should do so. Information is in large supply. Direction has become more scarce, so this is what I wish to rectify, and I trust you will hold me to that. Another reason is that while I am passionate about the potential of these opportunities, right now I do not possess the nous to build anything. So I've adopted the "Those who can't do, teach," mindset, in the pursuit of one day, actually 'doing' something. I see myself as more of an investor, and someone who can build the infrastructure for entrepreneurs to thrive and flourish, and this is a very, very early iteration of that. So enjoy watching and reading my numerous screw-ups, idiotic ideas and other 'weatherman-like' downfalls, and stay tuned for whatever rays of wisdom shine through a process of learning, investigation and action.